Why Do So Many Fail In The Home Based, Direct Sales Industry?

       By: Keri Just
Posted: 2007-08-13 17:43:31
The number of people searching for and starting home based businesses has skyrocketed in the past few years. It is one of the fastest growing segments of the economy. Even Warren Buffet has got in on the action by recently purchasing 3 direct sales companies that are home based.It is easy to see why direct sales businesses are so appealing. With low start up costs, high income potential, being your own boss, no employees and never having to commute... Who wouldn't want that?But is getting your own direct sales business really as easy as they make it sound? In reality, most people simply don't make it in the direct sales industry. The numbers of those who fail are pretty high. So why do so many people fail?The first thing that you will notice about nearly any home based business is a lot of hype in the advertising. Hype comes with any type of sales; it's just part of doing business. Unfortunately, many people get caught up in the hype and don't look beyond it. It is absolutely possible to be earning a multiple 6 figure income within your first year of starting a direct sales business. The truth is most people don't achieve it.As with any business, marketing your product and your business is critical. If you can't reach your target audience, you simply won't make sales. This is where so many businesses fall short and why the failure rate is so high. If you have to rely on your friends and family and have to chase people down in your community, you are not likely to succeed.Most people are simply not very good at sales. If you have to rely on your own salesmanship and physically finding your customers, then you have the deck stacked against you from the start, no matter how fantastic the product is. Find a company who does the sales presentation and the closing of the sale for you. There are some good companies out there who have figured this out and have a system in place just for this reason. I recommend you find them.Another big reason that people fail is that most people simply do not have any idea about running their own business or what it takes to be successful in anything. Success is directly related to mindset and following some proven principles that bring results. Most people just don't understand what determination, commitment and unyielding persistence means when it comes to success. I see people all the time who quit with the first exposure to adversity.These are often the people who got caught up in the hype and thought everything would be gravy and not take much effort on their part. For a small number of people, this industry really is easy and they have results immediately. They are the true salespeople and the ones who have a market at hand to get immediate results. For the majority of us though, we have to put forth some effort and maybe take a few knocks before the results really begin to show. If it really was super easy for everybody, then everybody would be doing it. However, if you put forth the effort, stick to it, and don't take your eye off the goal, the rewards can be phenomenal for anybody. You will get results if you really know what it is you are after, and the true reason why you are after it and you are committed to achieving it. Do you know your true reason why you want to work from home? I will tell you that it isn't because you can make a lot of money.In short, know how you are going to market your business before you get started and make sure that you have the right mindset for success. Find a company that has a marketing plan and support for advertising your business. And then read some books on success and follow the path of people who have achieved what you want to achieve. There are countless successful people who have written about how hey got there. Personal development is key to success in any area of your life. If you are not growing on the inside, your results on the outside will be limited accordingly.I think it is critical that more people know some of the basics about this industry before they get involved. As the popularity of home based businesses and the direct sales industry has grown, many people have got started with the wrong perspective and have walked away with failure and a bad attitude about the industry. These are the people who are on the chat forums complaining about whatever company they didn't succeed in, giving a black eye to the industry as whole and hurting us all in the long run. The less smoke and mirrors and over-the-top hype that is delivered, the more successful the industry, and ourselves, will be as a whole.The rewards in this industry far exceed any other industry I have ever seen. When you succeed in this business, you not only have the fantastic income, but a great lifestyle that far exceeds any other profession I can think of. It is worth every effort and initial adversity that one might go through to get established. Just be aware that you will have your own path to follow to get to the top and be prepared to have some bumps in the road along the way.Keri Just is a Home Business Professional and coaches others on how to have success working from home. You can contact Keri and get additional information through his website at: http://www.justforfreedom.net
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