How to Get Your Employees to Have Perfect Attendance

       By: James Yawn
Posted: 2007-07-28 10:33:16
Employee attendance can be a major issue in many workplaces. If you run a business, you know how hard it is to get the whole team to show up sometimes. You may have that one person that straggles in on Monday mornings, after a crazy weekend. Or , you may have the one that always seems to miss Fridays.These people may be your key people, who you can't afford to replace, and who are just invaluable to the company. But the fact remains, you really need these people there for the whole shift. Time is money right, and without everyone on board 100%, productivity suffers, and so does the bottom line. Here are a couple of tips to remedy the situation. These are tested methods that work, and when properly executed, can result in a more productive team that will almost never miss a shift.Make Mondays the best time to be a t work on time for your employees. How, you may ask? Have an awesome breakfast tray delivered first thing for the "weekly game plan" meeting. This can be a really informal meeting where everyone takes turns talking about their work goals for the week, depending on the type of industry you are in. Make it fun and informal. Pass out a memo on Fridays, inviting all your team members to the breakfast meeting.Stress that everyone must be in the room 5 minutes to attend, and there will be no exceptions. You arrive to work late for any reason, you get no breakfast, and you don't get to participate in the meeting or the weekly contest.What contest? OK, I was getting to that. If your company is in the sales industry, have a weekly contest for the most sales, or leads. If it is a service industry, make it a contest for the most work done, or productivity. On Friday, the winner of the contest will get a gift certificate for a free lunch, or movie tickets, or something like that.Trust me, it really works. Also remember to put it in the rules that anyone that misses the Monday meeting, is late for any shift, or is absent for any reason during the week is disqualified.Movie tickets may not sound like much incentive, but you will be surprised how such a little incentive and a little competition will shake things up. Your team will come alive and the energy in your office will be electric!I am confident that if you try these methods out you won't be disappointed. Even employees that may have been habitually late or with attitude problems will suddenly perk up in the heat of the competition.James R Yawn owns and operates Check out Employee Attendance for more tips to energize your employees and boost productivity in your business.
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