
       By: Hector Cadena
Posted: 2007-07-17 15:21:26
To communicate to someone else, one's truest, most inner feelings, is a very difficult task to say the least. It is a task that is rendered virtually impossible, when the use of mere words is the only medium available. How can a person even begin to relate to another, the complex range of emotions, that like some abstract river springing from the soul, flows through the heart and swirls through the brain, hopelessly in search of an appropriate outlet from which it can gush forth... only to end up as words, stuck in one's throat, where they meekly drip from the tongue, drop by drop?Throughout history, poets of the world have spent their entire lives stringing together adverbs and adjectives, and for their troubles, have created some of the most beautiful works ever written. But all in all, having failed miserably in their attempts at bringing their thoughts to life. For after all, even the most elequent words about the oceans cannot quench the thirst of a parched man.So alas, such is my fate. For if the world's most accomplish masters of poetry and prose cannot breath life into their thoughts, does a mere mortal stand a chance? I suppose not. But perhaps it is better that way. For if the dam of emotions holding back all those hopes and dreams, thoughts and prayers, ideas and inspirations was to ever give way, the torrential flood could be enough to drown us all.So if you ever look into my eyes again, and it seems that I've been crying, just remember, those are not tears that you see, but merely words, better left, unspoken...Hector Cadena is a 25 year sales veteran with a successful track history of building strong relationships with his customers. Cadena shares his proven sales knowledge with others on his web site at http://www.hectorcadena.com
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