Kate Moss - Numerology-Astrology-Background

       By: M Monk
Posted: 2007-07-17 11:17:22
Kate Moss: 16/1/1974
6 9
11147Life Path Number: 29/11 = 2
Nearly all 29/11's have a large and powerful energy field. When excited and inspired they need less sleep than most people. When they decide to generate something new, inventive, original or insightful, they have the energy to produce wonders. Their abundant energy is, however, a two-edged sword. Our bodies are a channel through which energy must flow, and energy is a tool that can be used, hopefully for positive endeavours. If not, their energy may not be dissipated, especially if not taking exercise or engaging in creative or useful activities, and so 29/11's have a strong tendency towards addictive behaviours to discharge the blocked and painful energy that builds up in their bodies. Along with these challenges, 29/11's display extraordinary potential.29/11s sometimes come from a background of abuse, and need to fight to get their will back.
Kate Moss is also a 'passive 2'. Characteristics of a passive 2 can include: vacillating, sullen, devious, faultfinding; too much attention to detail with delay in accomplishment; inability to take a stand. Uncooperative. Distrust of intuition and sensitivity.
She also has a line of weakness, the Line of Sensitivity, which can mean she will be: over-sensitive to other people's opinions, this line leaves a gap that can profoundly affect anyone, whatever image that person projects. This person can be a victim of self-doubt, needing reassurance regularly from those close. Love is constantly sought to boost flagging self-esteem.On the plus side she has a line of strength, the 'Line of Physicality': Physical stamina and a healthy constitution are associated with this line. Practical ability with the hands is marked and should be encouraged professionally or artistically. People with this line should be wary of overanalyzing situations or circumstances, and should try not to dwell on frustrations.Kate also has three 1's in her chart which gives her a kind of masculine, lithe, energy. However, being a '2' lifepath, she can appear cool, calm and tranquil. At their best, 2s are natural diplomats who bring about change through persuasion rather than force. They are fulfilled by helping others reach their goals, and are best when working as part of a team effort rather than on solitary endeavours. Twos are diligent workers who excel in areas where attention to detail is required, and are always polite and courteous. They prefer to have a partner to share their lives with, usually a more assertive mate.While 29/11's have a sentimental side, they tend to inhibit their emotional expression; they repress or intellectualise their feelings. This may affect their relationships. Rarely joiners, 29/11's generally live as the individualist who marches to a different drummer.
Astrology: Kate Moss - Capricorn: Capricorns reflect Saturn's conservatism, an earthy practicality, and derive their driving force from being a cardinal sign. At times Capricorns suffer lack of confidence in themselves and, having started something, they become unsure of their abilities or feel that they're not going to live up to expectations.
Being an earth sign, there is a sensuality in Capricorns but some can tend to keep it hidden, the practicality of this sign often being a bit of a dampener on their romantic opportunities. They find it harder than most to express their emotions, thinking that there is a risk involved in exposing the vulnerability of their feelings.There is also a need in Capricornians to have a partner they respect. If they choose a partner who increases their social standing, they consider it all the better. They value permanence and structure to make sense of their lives and take the whole business of relationships very seriously. Capricorns have inherent ambition and will work tirelessly to get to the top of their chosen field. They have a painstaking thoroughness whatever they are doing and don't mind investing long hours in a project if they are convinced it will pay off and further their career. You will find the best that money can buy: the Capricorn will wear good shoes and the best quality fabrics purchased at the best value.Background: Her mother Linda is a bartender, and her father Peter a travel agent. She also has a younger brother, Nick. The media has often referred to a poor working-class background (Cinderella-stories sell), but her own description is "lower middle-class". Kate still has a noticeable south-London accent, according to those who can tell the difference. Her parents' marriage went sour, and in 1987 the couple moved apart, to divorce one year later. Kate decided to live with her mother, while her brother chose the father. The children were left much to themselves during the commotion, and 13-year old Kate was smoking, drinking, and skipping classes.Apart from being a 'passive 2' and having the 'line of sensitivity' in her numerology, this could partly explain why she is insecure and turning to drink and drugs. All these issues represent challenges along her path, showing that nobody 'has it all'. It may look that way on the surface, successful model, beautiful and admired by millions, but just like the rest of us, she still has her daily challenges and emotional issues to overcome.What's your numerology/astrology like? You can find out what really makes you tick with these ancient techniques that have been around for eons in the East but which have been buried (by science) in the West. Yet, they are more science-based than just mystical beliefs.Forthcoming 'Numerology of famous people':
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