Increasing AdSense Pay Per Click Rate

       By: Robert Ambartzumov
Posted: 2007-04-29 09:15:20
Most of the known Pay Per Click programs have a fixed rate per a click, however that does not apply to Google ad sense. ad sense have a choice of higher and lower Pay Per Click rates. It has something to do with niches.A niche is a word or couple of words that reflect something, it is used to drive relevant traffic to the ads, for example we don't want people that want to see cars to be able to see an ad of boats. every niche has it's price, an advertiser wants to advertise his website that talks about cars, so he choose niches that are related to cars [car, cars, selling cars and so on...] than when that specific niche is searched on Google, than his ad is shown on the paid ads search results. the advertiser pays his pay per click price every time someone clicks his ad. on a website ads, if the website contains that niche within the text, than the ad will show up on the website. if there are couple of niches than every time when the page is refreshed a different ad will show up.Some advertisers pay more money for a specific niche than for other niches, keep in mind that the advertiser is paying Google per a click, and Google pays website owner by percentages. the reason why advertisers pay more for specific niches is because some niches are searched much more times on Google than other niches, that can bring more people to buy things on the website, eventually if a niche will bring more profit than other niches, than more advertisers will want to use that niche. If more advertisers will pay for that niche than that would be called a competition, if the advertiser will still want his ad to be on top of other ads, he would need to pay more for that ad or to make that ad to look much better than other competitive ads, eventually some ads can be low paying and still be on top search results because they were written properly.When an advertiser is paying lots of money to Google for that niche, than we would definitely like that ad to be shown on our website, because if someone would click on it, we would receive a percentage of the high paying price that is paid to Google.We said that the ad will show up if the website text will have that niche that is related to the ad. It would not be a problem to write a text with that niche but how would we know how much every niche is paying? that is why there are lists of high paying niches.
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