Make Money From Free Blogging Services

       By: Keen Lex
Posted: 2007-04-26 10:16:40
So, you are thinking that you can't have your own blog because it costs you and you don't want to spend a penny in the process. Well if you are that kind of person I still encourage that you buy your own domain name and domain hosting services. A .com domain name (three years) + hosting for two months costs you about 36$.Anyway later when your blog grows you will have to buy your own dedicated server which costs you about 150$. With a dedicated server you can add all the domains you want. Anyway if you are not the guy that wants to spend money you can always try the free blogging services.Okay now let's get started.
In the first place you will want to do a search query on google. A simple search like: free blog is more than enough for what we want.Now we can see a list of free blogging services with in the top. The majority of the free blogging services let's you place your add. To place your adds and get ready to work you will have to sign up at (in my opinion adsense is the most profitable). There are also several programs to choose from but for now adsense is the best.Thinking it wide there are lots of blogging services that want you as a member for content (they are very happy about it).(The majority of blogging platforms have a template editor which comes in handy for add placement)
Before you create your blog you will have to think about your blog title.
Ex: H2O-Reviews, Blog4Fun...
You can think on your own unique name or maybe you want it to be longer.
Ex: Drug information, description and news.
Ex: Camera phone news and technical details.
Ex: Tea recipes - Be more healthy.Well you just think to a niche of content and start blogging about it. Like you want to write a review on a cellphone or maybe news about some phones or digital cameras or maybe camcorders or anything of your interest.When you placed your adds now you most likely want to start making some money. Money is made by the amounts of visitors you have per site. Let's say that is you have about 20 unique readers a day you can make about 6 to 10$ a month. After you made some content you can ping lots of blog search engines which they will send spiders for your content with:
rpc.pingomatic.comAfter that you will have some visitors from different blog search engines. Now remember:When you placed your adds you most likely want to start making some money. Money is made by the amounts of visitors you have per site. Let's say that is you have about 20 unique readers a day you can make about 6 to 10$ a month. Now the best thing is you can make more sites that brings you 10$ a month and if you add content (about 3 posts a day) you can increase the amount of 10$ a month per site.
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