Burn Fat Naturally - 2 Killer Tips for Natural Fat Loss

       By: Tom Gifford
Posted: 2007-04-15 09:31:17
If you want to burn fat naturally, then you should be congratulated!98% of people just want some magic pill that promises no extra work or effort to burn fat. Truthfully, we know that fat loss needs some good quality effort and work to show the results you are looking for.This article will show you two great ways to burn fat naturally and permanently.Here are 2 awesome tips to burn fat naturally and permanently.BURN FAT NATURALLY TIP #1: Your workouts should include total body strength trainingThats right, if you really want to burn fat with exercise then total body strength training 2-3 times per week is a great way to do so.The reason that total body strength training is so great is because the addition of lean muscle mass is an excellent way to increase your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more calories your body burns!For most people, this sounds counterintuitive. There is a common myth that strength training makes you "big and bulky". The truth is that muscle mass uses stored fat as fuel! Fat is not converted to muscle or anything like that.Here is an example of a total body strength training workout that you can try doing to help naturally burn fat:1. Bodyweight squats2. Seated row3. Leg curls on a stability ball4. Ab crunches on a stability ball5. Pushups6. DB squat and pressREPS: 10-15 ROTATIONS: 2-3 REST: 30-45 secondsAs you can see, this type of workout uses every muscle in your body. The more muscle you use, the more calories you will burn!BURN FAT NATURALLY TIP #2: Avoid high glycemic "bad" carbsIf you want to burn fat, then your diet is going to play a huge role with how successful you are!One of the biggest tips to remember with diet is to avoid "bad" carbs such as junk food, fast food, white bread, refined sugars, etc.The reason these are bad for you is that they make your blood sugar go through the roof. The higher your blood sugar, the more insulin your body releases to stores the excess as body fat.A better idea is to consume more complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs are great because they are a lot more work for your body to break down. This means that your body actually has to use stored energy to help with the digestive process. This is a great way of increasing your metabolism by diet alone!CONCLUSIONThis article is just a small piece of the overall picture for how to burn fat naturally, but it gives you a taste of some great steps you can begin taking. If you want more information, check out the links below.
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