Be Bold and Courageous

       By: Paul Davis
Posted: 2007-03-18 07:48:16
Be bold and courageous
At times be reckless
Abandon yourself to your dreams
Live them wholeheartedly
Pursue them unashamedly
Enter the unknown boldly
Tread upon new terrain fearlessly
Starve and silence your fears
Feed and activate your faith
Put your feet to the floor
Prepare to victoriously score
Don't listen to doubters any more
Move beyond unsettled unbelievers
Associate with confident doers
Disassociate from excuse makers
Murmurers, complainers, and whiners
Courageously conquer every challenge
Arise and go over into the promised land
Be bold, aggressive, and take a stand
Don't bother to persuade and grandstand
Your actions will speak louder than words
Your accomplishments will silence skeptics
Your success will cripple fickle critics
Be like a postage stamp, take your licks
But keep on sticking, adhering, and traveling
To your intended destination and occupation
Be creative, resourceful, and forever hopeful
Disregard those who give you a mouth full
Of discouragement, despair, and don't care
About your personhood, identity, and dreams
Life and people are not always as they seem
Never judge or size up anything prematurely
Press on persistently, passionately, and consistently
Be fiery, focused, forceful, and have childlike fun
While you live your dreams and get the job done
Never embrace the stinking thinking of anyone
Give yourself a check up from the neck up
Before you are paralyzed by fear's mental hiccup
Paralysis comes from excessive analysis
Just feel it, go after it, and fearlessly do it
Put your heart, mind, and back into it
Breathe, believe, receive, and achieve it.
Boldness and courage are they key ingredients.
Paul Davis is a FL real estate professional, life coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and change master.Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.
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