Costume Jewelry, The Cheap Alternative

       By: Pierre Perissel
Posted: 2007-03-12 08:24:41
As a little girl, you probably played dress-up many times. You might have dressed yourself up with princess dresses and fun jewelry. The jewelry you used back then is very similar to what is known as costume jewelry, and even though you are fully grown, there are still many ways that costume jewelry can make you feel like a princess.Costume jewelry has an expensive look whilst being very kind to the purse. The beauty of it is that you can create an expensive or as cheap look as you want. There are so many varieties to choose from that the possibilities are virtually limitless. Only your creativity should be the limit because you can buy and own many different pieces of costume jewelry to mix and match and create the exact look that you want. The jewelry you choose might consist of a tiara, a necklace, and a bracelet made out of fake diamonds or emeralds.If you are attending a costume party where you want to look rather outrageous, choose costume jewelry that looks very fragile and appears as if it will break at any moment. This would make for very amusing costume accessories.In the older movies, many of the apparently very expensive pieces of jewelry worn by the stars were nothing more than costume jewelry. It was far more economical and safe to use the cheap, but expensive looking jewelry than splurge a lot of cash on real jewelry. In modern movies the usage of real expensive jewelry is more common because jewelry companies use that as an opportunity for promotion of their line of products, and the movie producers do not have to carry the cost of the jewelry.Perhaps the most excellent part about costume jewelry is that you do not have to be overly fussy about their appearance, because the pieces are usually so inexpensive. On the other hand, if you are interested in a piece of costume jewelry that has been crafted so that it appears to be real, you will definitely pay more.It is often said that perceptions are everything. Some folks don't have enough money to spend on real jewelry, so instead they buy costume jewelry so that it can appear as if they really can afford real jewelry.You can find this kind of jewelry anywhere from costume shops to department stores. There are also many websites and auctions where you can find any type and form of costume jewelry to go with almost any outfit that you own.
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