Let Loose Your Imagination!

       By: Matthias Schmelz
Posted: 2007-03-11 11:08:00
Did you know that archaeologists found seeds in an Egyptian sarcophagus that had retained their ability to germinate after 3,000 years? Every human being is like a divine seed, waiting to be woken up by a ray of sunshine or a drop of rain. Even after a lifetime of dormancy, the potential lies within you to grow and create.Let this book be the light and the water you have been waiting for during all those dark, arid years. Wake up and release your desire to grow. Allow yourself to become what creation wants you to be: rich, successful, attractive and giving.You own the most versatile and effective weapon in the world. Your brain is the most creative and intelligent computer on earth. You may use it, abuse it or ignore it. Most people don't use it at all because they are lazy, or because somebody told them that they were stupid and they believed it. Maybe they failed a test when they started school and somebody classified them as B, C or D. Or perhaps, worst of all, they simply think they don't deserve better; that there is some quality that highly successful people have that they simply don't have.Nonsense. The only limitations on your life and what you can achieve are those you assign to yourself. Why not live with boldness and audacity? Why not challenge conventional wisdom? Why not fly in the face of authority and do something everyone else says is impossible? The only things that are impossible are those that are never attempted! Let loose your imagination and discover the ways you can reshape your future.I invite you to believe in Superman, Catwoman, Father Christmas, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Lady Luck and all the good fairies, because they exist. People can fly; people do uncover mysteries, find treasures and make each other happy. They do survive adventurous trips and they can cast a spell. Start using your imagination and God-given gifts in order to move up to a higher level of challenges, fulfilment and joy.
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