Do You Suffer From Female Hair Loss? Discover How To Cope.

       By: Catherine Johns
Posted: 2006-12-26 02:24:32
Female hair loss is not only very distressing for the lady affected but it is also a subject that is not often openly discussed.TV commercials, conversations and jokes about male baldness abound, but seldom do we see much about hair loss among women. Maybe it’s that female hair loss is not as socially accepted like it is with men.Did you know, one out of every five females suffers with thinning hair - but very few of them know a thing about the subject? Here are a few insights that may help.The most common cause of hair loss in women is heredity. If a woman's father, mother, or grandparents suffered with hair thinning and loss, the chances greatly increase that she will suffer with it, as well (unfortunately we can’t choose our parents). Apart from this, other factors that contribute to hair loss in women include:• severe stress • illnesses that include special diets • medications • chemotherapy • age • poor dietary habits • and medications for diabetics are also known to cause hair loss in some women.Should you notice you are losing your hair, the worst thing you can do is panic. Hair loss is not the end of the world for you! Something can be done.Panicking will more than likely worsen the condition. Loosing your hair does not mean you are going to lose your friends, your job and your partner. A woman who is losing her hair should never feel alone, and you should never lose hope – you have lots of good company. There are approximately 30 million other women around the world suffering from female hair loss so you are in good company.Whatever you do – don’t lose your confidence - you must try to remain calm and always remember that you are just as beautiful as you were before your hair loss. So be positive, there’s many good people in this world who are not so shallow, and will happily support those women who are losing their hair.There are many options available on the market today to help prevent and treat hair loss in women.One of the most popular hair loss products is Rogaine, which is also used to help fight hair loss in men. Rogaine has been used widely by men and women worldwide with some very good results. Rogaine has also been proven to slow down hair loss, and in some cases, even revert it.When a woman begins to lose her hair, it is totally different from when a man begins to suffer from hair loss. Rather than experiencing total hair loss, like men do, female hair loss usually only consists of thinning. So that’s the good news!
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