Random Acts Of Kindness

       By: Tim Connor
Posted: 2006-12-10 20:35:09
Each of us interacts with any number of people in a given day. Friends, relatives, strangers, fellow employees, customers and service personnel. Each of these people is doing the best they can to deal with their life as it is given to them one day at a time. Each of us has a story. Some of these stories are adventures, some, tragedies, some comedies and some serious dramas. In the end our story was created by us as we lived each day.As you interact with your fellow passengers on Spaceship earth today find some way to say a kind word or do a kind deed for everyone you meet. It doesn’t take much energy, time or investment. But a word or a deed for the right person at just the right time could be just what they need to go on another day, feel appreciated or worthwhile.What are Random Acts of Kindness. Let me give you a few examples of ones that I have benefited from in the last 48 hours. At a retail store I couldn’t find what I wanted and the clerk said let me show you where it is rather than point and send me on my way. A waitress that was serving my dinner last night said I was the most interesting person she had waited on all week. (don’t know if it was true, but it made me feel good) A driver who went out of their way to let me in into a line of traffic when it would have been just as easy not to let me in.What Random Acts of Kindness have been done for you in the last few days by any of the people in your life? What have you gone out of your way to do for others?Some people travel through life in their own little world, oblivious to others. They don’t hold open doors, they don’t notice when someone is in need, they ignore others as if they didn’t exist. And I am not just referring to passing strangers here. There are many people living under the same roof who are guilty of this behavior.I find it interesting observing who helps others or notices others in life and who goes about their business if the world and everything in it is just for them and them alone.When possible acknowledge the acts of kindness that have been given to you and don’t worry if the ones you give are acknowledged.Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 3500 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management, leadership and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 60 books including; Soft Sell, That’s Life, Peace Of Mind, 81 Challenges Managers Face and Your First Year In Sales. He is also the CEO of Sales Clubs Of America.
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