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Causes and Symptoms of Canine Diabetes

         Views: 2279
2009-01-25 04:59:55     
Article by Cristian Stan

Finding out the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs is a humane thing to do for those who really love their pets. For a dog to suffer with a disease such as diabetes can be just as dangerous as it is for a human.

Here in this informative article on the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we will take a look at the facts that will help you to learn what causes diabetes in dogs and how to recognize its symptoms. This can help you give your pet a longer, happier life.

The cause of diabetes in dogs is similar to the cause of diabetes in humans in that the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin for the body, becomes damaged. Insulin is small protein and a hormone used in the body of your dog to regulate metabolism. The cells in the pancreas of the dog are destroyed by a problem with the immune system and when that happens, the vital insulin production can be decreased or terminated altogether.

This means that the body of your dog can no longer use the food that it eats. When glucose can not be processed in the body, the energy from the food you give your pet is not used. Insulin is the ingredient that allows the body of your dog to use the glucose produced by the digestion of food. When insulin is not present, this more than likely will become a cause of diabetes in dogs. Problems with the pancreas are the main cause of diabetes in dogs and one to keep a watchful eye on.

Some lesser causes of diabetes in dogs are; a reaction to drugs, genetic problems, and Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Dogs that are middle aged dogs are the likely target for diabetes. Middle aged is considered six to nine years. Younger dogs can also have problems with diabetes. Do not look at any certain age-limit as an automatic risk factor for when your dog may develop the symptoms of diabetes. Young or old, your dog has the possibility of developing diabetes.

The breeds that may be subject to diabetes at an earlier age are Golden Retrievers and Keeshonds. Other possible causes of diabetes in dogs are lethargic lifestyles and obesity.

Taking a look at the symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we find that the symptoms in dogs are similar to humans. Your dog can maintain a strong appetite and even overeat and still be a dog with diabetes. A list of the symptoms are: being overly thirsty, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, blurred vision, increased infections, sores that heal too slowly, and vomiting.

The more common and less noticeable symptoms of diabetes in dogs, such as being very thirsty and frequent urination can be overlooked easily. They are not a sure sign by themselves that your dog has diabetes, but it is wise to be vigilant as they can be the first sign of diabetes.

If the symptoms of diabetes in dogs are allowed to progress and grow, partial blindness or blindness can result. Cataracts can form in the eyes of your dog as diabetes works its silent way into the life of your pet. The cataracts form in the eyes as sugar in the bloodstream is collected there. These cataracts will not go away without special surgery even after your dog is diagnosed and then treated for diabetes. Some good news about diabetes-induced cataracts is that some of those cataracts will not grow or change. This can mean that if the symptoms of diabetes in your dog are caught early, the eyes can be spared more damage.

Now that you know the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, taking an active interest in the health of your dog will allow your pet to live longer and have a more productive life without the effects of diabetes.

Specialized in: Dog Diabetes - Pets
URL: http://www.diabetesindogs.net
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