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Identity Theft - Can The Internet Help?

         Views: 1626
2006-07-07 23:55:57     
Article by Michael Russell

Identity theft has quickly become a serious issue, not only in America, but around the world as well. Some of the recent cases of stolen personal data are overwhelming in size. LexisNexis, who specializes in the personal and financial data of individuals, had more than 300,000 clients personal data stolen.

In another case, MasterCard had over 400,000 credit card customers' personal files stolen. The list just goes on and on.

With the explosive growth of the Internet over the last 10 years, many people believe that doing online transactions can put them in jeopardy of becoming a victim of identity theft. The truth is completely the opposite. Approximately 10% of all reported identity theft cases involved Internet fraud. The largest percentage of cases occurs from phone scams and documents left in trash cans.

The Internet can actually help protect you against identity theft in several different ways.

• Use online banking and credit card reports whenever possible. Nearly every bank and credit card company utilize secure Internet web sites that gives you access to your statements and accounts online. This allows you to have up to the minute access to your bank accounts and credit cards. If you see anything suspicious you can immediately take action and report it.

Be sure to only use secure sites that have the padlock icon on the screen. Another important point is to never click on a banking or credit card site from a link in any email message you get. Do not fall for the emails that ask you to "verify" your personal information. If you do you will have your identity stolen and your account cleaned out.

Always type in your credit card or bank website address in your browser. By doing this you will never have to worry about this problem happening

• Know what is on your credit report. By keeping a close eye on your credit report you will know if there is any fraudulent activity going on. If someone has stolen your identity you will see new accounts on your report that you didn't know about. You can then take action and report the activity.

There are three main credit reporting companies; Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. You can use the Internet to check your credit history with all three of these agencies at no cost to you. The government has made it a law that everyone can have a free copy of his or her credit report on an annual basis.

• Consider signing up for a credit monitoring service. You can find a number of these services by doing a simple web search. These companies will monitor your credit activity on a regular basis and report any unusual activity to you immediately. Of course you will also have access to your credit report on a daily basis. Most of these companies will give you a free 30-day trial to try out their service before paying the regular monthly fee. The cost for this service should be under $10 per month. It is a very safe and convenient way to keep track of your credit.

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